Trainers Training in Messina

Partners put their heads together and implemented a course of 8 lessons on the Algorithmic Thinking field. The first 4 lessons are dedicated to distance learning (lesson#1-lesson#4) while the rest 4 are for face-to-face teaching (lesson#5-lesson#8). Since the project is quite innovative and fashioned, we organised a trainer-to-trainer training in Messina, thus we create a very powerful core of trainers that should behave as agents to other teachers.

Thus, Labstem staff trained IP staff by using the created material in Messina (Italy) from Tuesday 28th of June to 1st of July 2022. The first part of the training took place remotely since LabSTEM staff both Mr. Ioannis Dimos and Mr.Athanasios Dimos were infected by covid-19. In that part, LabSTEM staff trained IP staff. The second part was conducted face-to-face in Messina. In that part, IP trainers conducted a demo training for local immigrants. At the end of the training all involved participants such as tutors, trainers and trainees evaluated the training material and the training process.

Evaluation by EIP staff as trainers

Evaluation by immigrants

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